Photography of graphic works of art(reproduction of …):
A method of photo shooting with amazing results!
Bright colors, preserved contrasts, great fidelity of reproduction, these are some of the most appreciated by the visual arts professionals about our method of shooting … Our photo reproductions are free from any shine due with varnish or a freshly made oil painting or guaranteed without parasitic reflections on the glass of your frames ((If your works are framed under glass of course)) thanks to our exclusive method and our patented material.
Bright colors, preserved contrasts, great fidelity of reproduction, these are some of the most appreciated by the visual arts professionals about our method of shooting … Our photo reproductions are free from any shine due with varnish or a freshly made oil painting or guaranteed without parasitic reflections on the glass of your frames ((If your works are framed under glass of course)) thanks to our exclusive method and our patented material.
Zero risk “zero problem”!
The photo technique used for the shooting (patented material) is without risk for the integrity of your works, since it applies only on our material. It is very suitable for the reproduction of works of art framed under glass, because it frees itself from the parasitic reflections due to the glass. This last point is not insignificant on a point of view “conservatory”: to leave the originals in their frame for a photo shooting makes it possible to avoid the delicate manipulations and the accidents with sometimes devastating effects …